Edina Ndebele

Edina Ndebele is a brand that represents a return to African roots - celebrating the hundreds of cultures through a modern mix of traditional fabrics and colors.

The brand’s head designer, Edina Ndebele, is a Zimbabwean born designer based in the United States. Edina Ndebele holds an Associate Degree in Fashion Design which she attained in Zimbabwe 2006, since then her fashion designing voyage has become unstoppable. Edna’s passion for fashion has given her so much experience in the world of design.

As a young girl growing up in Africa, she had aspirations of creating something beautiful for her friends and family to wear that were inspired by the characteristics of her culture. After her move to the U.S., Ndebele found that many opportunities were opening up for her, including the chance to showcase her designs at the New York Africa Fashion Week in July 2011. Following the success of New York Africa Fashion Week, she was also invited to showcase at Virgin Islands Fashion Week in October 2011.

Ndebele’s eco¬-friendly garment she constructed from burlap and named “Queen of the Jungle” was fan-voted “the best eco¬-friendly garment at the Virgin Islands Fashion Week.” Then, in 2012, Ndebele earned two awards during the Louisville Waterfront Fashion Week, for the Emerging Designer Competition and the People’s Choice Award.

“My inspirations comes from life events that take place on a day-to-day basis,” she says. “I also am inspired by where I grew up and how I grew up. My design inspirations are a combination of where I am today and where I was yesterday.”

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